Cytoskeleton and Membrane Biology Faculty

Dynamic remodeling of the cytoskeleton and membranes governs almost every aspect of how cells behave.  Because it is so important, they use sophisticated mechanisms to tightly control how and where within the cell they reorganize their cytoskeleton and membrane structures/composition.  Abnormalities in how cells regulate these lead to many human health problems, including everything from birth defects to viral and bacterial infections.  Our faculty use cutting-edge genetic and imaging approaches to better understand the fundamental nature of Cytoskeletal and Membrane Biology. Gifting and support for the important research conducted by faculty in this theme can be directed here.

Sharyn Endow, Professor

  Molecular motor structure/function

Scott H. Soderling, Professor and Chair

  Synaptic signaling to the actin cytoskeleton, synaptic basis of neuropsychiatric disorders


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