2022 Departmental Retreat
We are excited to see you at the Cell Biology Department Retreat on 12-14 September 2022. The invitation has been extended to lab staff. Please utilize Qualtrics to RSVP by Thursday, 7/21/22. We need your RSVP to ensure an accurate headcount for hotel room reservations.
I strongly encourage newly affiliated students also to submit a poster abstract. That can be done here by Monday, 8/1/22.
2020 Departmental Retreat
Every year, the Department of Cell Biology hosts a retreat for our students, post docs, and faculty at a North Carolina hotel destination. This event provides a great opportunity for everyone, including secondary faculty as well as collaborators from other departments of Duke University, to come together both intellectually and socially. Throughout the overnight’s poster sessions to seminar-style presentations, attendees are able to intermingle and ask questions with others outside their labs who are working on a diverse array of research projects. This weekend excursion is a celebration of the achievements of our own students, postdocs, and faculty as well as their contributions and advancements in the field of Cell Biology.
2019 Retreat - Social Activities:
2019 Retreat - Poster Sessions & Seminars:
Past Retreats:
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