Brigid L.M. Hogan

Brigid Hogan

Brigid L.M. Hogan, Ph.D., FRS (Cambridge, UK)

Professor of Cell Biology
Professor in Pediatrics

University Program in Genetics
University Program in Cell & Molecular Biology
Graduate Program in Cancer Biology
Developmental Biology Training Program




445 Sands, Box 3709
Duke University Medical Center
Durham, NC 27710
FAX: 919-684-8592






I have now closed my lab and no longer have positions for graduate students or postdoctoral fellows. I am also no longer distributing reagents and mutant mice. However, I remain deeply interested in developmental biology and stem cell research, especially anything related to lung development, repair and remodeling. I am happy to engage in formal or informal discussion and to give advice, especially to young scientists, about either experiments or careers.


How To:

Write a research paper -pdf file-
Design a powerpoint presentation -pdf file-
Make a Poster -pdf file-